Take part in the survey about student employability

Take part in the survey conducted in the framework of the #europehome project and express your opinion about the necessary skills and current needs of the labour market.

The aim of the survey is to collect information about the expected skills and current needs in the fields of Business, Economics and Engineering and it focuses on the expectations of the employers (in a local and European context) and the opinion of students and academic staff.

The collected data will be help to identify the actual needs of the labour market as well as to analyse and foresee potential skill mismatches.

The results of the survey should foster discussion about the relevance of current education programmes and will be used to develop appropriate learning materials for students and academic staff.


The survey for students is available here

The survey for academic staff  is available here

The survey for employers is available here 


We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


The #europehome project team